Queridos amigos
Se me ha pedido informar la triste noticia del fallecimiento, el pasado viernes, del Profesor Don Grieve, después de una larga enfermedad, a los 78 años de edad. El trabajo del Profesor Grieve en biomecánica y Ergonomía es ampliamente conocido. Fué uno de los miembros fundadores del Master en Ergonomía en la Universidad de Londres, y enseñó por más de 30 años a esos estudiantes y en el Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, con duradero entusiasmo por sus temas.
Su funeral se realizará el martes 29 de septiembre a las 3.15 pm, en el Hendon Crematorium, NW7 1ND.
Course Director
UCL Interaction Centre
8th Floor MPEB
University College London
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rachel Benedyk <r.benedyk@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: 2009/9/22
Subject: Sad news - Don Grieve
Dear friends
I have been asked to pass on the sad news of the death last Friday of Professor Don Grieve, after a long illness. He was 78. Don's work in biomechanics and ergonomics will be known to many. He was a founder staff member for the MSc in Ergonomics at the University of London, and taught no less than three decades of students there and at the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, with unfailing enthusiasm for his subject.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday 29th September at 3.15pm, at Hendon Crematorium, NW7 1ND. Friends are welcome to come back afterwards to June's house at 37 Dollis Park, London N2 (Finchley Central).
Rachel Benedyk
Course Director
UCL Interaction Centre
8th Floor MPEB
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
+44 (0)20 7679 0685
From: Rachel Benedyk <r.benedyk@ucl.ac.uk>
Date: 2009/9/22
Subject: Sad news - Don Grieve
Dear friends
I have been asked to pass on the sad news of the death last Friday of Professor Don Grieve, after a long illness. He was 78. Don's work in biomechanics and ergonomics will be known to many. He was a founder staff member for the MSc in Ergonomics at the University of London, and taught no less than three decades of students there and at the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, with unfailing enthusiasm for his subject.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday 29th September at 3.15pm, at Hendon Crematorium, NW7 1ND. Friends are welcome to come back afterwards to June's house at 37 Dollis Park, London N2 (Finchley Central).
Rachel Benedyk
Course Director
UCL Interaction Centre
8th Floor MPEB
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
+44 (0)20 7679 0685
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